Wednesday 28 October 2009

Tomato Tomahto

This morning on the way to school...

Ellie: 'Mummy what's a tomahto?'
Me: 'A tomato'
Ellie: 'No, no Mummy a tomahto?'
Me: 'There are some words that we English pronounce differently to the Americans and tomato is one of them.' At which point I then begin a tuneless rendition of "You like potato and I like potahto, You like tomato and I like tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let's call the whole thing off"
Ellie: 'Mummy STOP singing and listen to me...a tomahto is a dangerous storm...

The penny dropped.

Me: Do you mean a Tornado?
Ellie: Yes! Yes! A Tornato. Mummy they are very dangerous and if one is coming you must go into a room with no windows and close the door and stay there until it's gone. At school we have to go into the boys toilets but where will you go if you are at home?
Me: Errrr, the wardrobe?
Ellie: No! You must go into the downstairs toilet, the one with no windows. Actually there's two of those because I have checked so you'll be OK. Promise me you'll go in one of those if a Tornato is coming.
Me: OK Ellie, I promise.

There ended my Tornado drill from my 5 year old daughter. I will admit that Tornado's were not high on my danger awareness list for here. Having done some research I see that we're not in any hot-spot but at least we all know the drill now!


  1. No you are not in a hot spot. :) I grew up with summers full of tornado warnings and Nicole is right, head for an interior room with no windows. :) Bathrooms are ideal because you have a toilet right there. In the midwest they have a very loud and distinctive siren that goes off when a tornado warning is called - they probably have the same siren down south.
    The kids here at AISC have been having bomb drills lately...great, huh.

  2. Teresa, Ellie still remembers the scary drills of AISC and so do I as I had to do alot of explaining to do afterwards!
