Monday 17 August 2009

Can-You-Speak -ENGLISH?

This was the question I was asked this morning!

It was 6am. The alarm didn't go off. We had overslept and Ian was late to pick up a colleague from a hotel so while he jumped in the shower I called the hotel and this was how the conversation went...

Me: Good morning please can you tell me if there is a man named Simon waiting in reception to be collected?
Man: Errr say that again
Me: Can you tell me if there is a man waiting in your hotel reception to be collected?
Man: Errr what?
Me: Is there a man.called
Man: Errrr can you speak English?
Me: (never at my most patient or best at 6am in the morning) I AM English, I am therefore speaking ENGLISH!

Now, Simon who was in fact waiting in reception to be collected had thankfully overheard and got the gist of the conversation and took the phone - thank goodness because I don't know where we would have gone from there!

In India I found it very hard to talk to Indians over the phone, I found their accents too thick and without being able to see their faces it was hard to decipher their words so I avoided talking on the phone unless I had someone nearby who could be my interpreter. I just hadn't imagined that the same thing would happen here! I think I'm going to have to work at 'tuning in' and remember to speak more slowly!

Apparently what I should have said was, 'Is there a guy in the lobby waiting to be picked up', and he would have known exactly what I meant!


  1. Yay! Your mutterings (sorry natterings) are back!

  2. Oh Emma, and we were all so envious of how easy life would be in the Grand Old US of A.
    You do realise YOU are the one with the accent. lol
    Have a great time and enjoy the ride.

  3. hilarious!! wait until people overhear you talking in the supermarket or in a queue (line) somewhere and then ask to you to talk because they 'love' your accent. accent? what accent? English does not have an accent - does it???
    Are you feeling better now?
    glad your blog is back up!

  4. What a hoot! After a year of living here I think I've finally picked up a good amount of Tamil-English... which basically allows me to order a pizza over the phone (though I don't often know what topping I'm getting on it).

  5. oh my gosh ... goodness me, this had me laughing out loud!

    i'm sorry to laugh at your expense, but ... that was funny, Emma!
