Friday 28 August 2009

Drive Thru Your Life

We are definately definately in the Land of the Car.

Nobody walks anywhere unless it is from and to their car, and everything is geared up for 'doing things from your car'.

Need some cash? You can drive to, up to and thru the cashpoint and obtain your money through the car window. Need to pay some cheques in? You can drive up to the bank window where a cashier is waiting for you and then you drive thru.

Need some medicines? You can drive thru at the pharmacy.

Hungry? Drive thru for anything and everything you may so desire. Burgers, Pizza, Donuts, Chicken, Sandwiches - the list is endless.

A coffee? Drive thru Starbucks.

Groceries? Why not phone or email your shopping list to the shop and then drive thru to pick it up.

Taking your child to school? Just drive up to the carpool line, join the queue, inch forward, unlock the door, teacher opens the door and removes child and you just drive on thru. The same applies when collecting your child from school.

In fact I have been inside Ellie's school just twice, once for a look/see and the other time on Meet the Teacher day....and I don't mind telling you that on this point I feel 'robbed'. Robbed in the sense that on my daughters very first day of 'big school' I wasn't able to walk her into her class and settle her in, and she looked so little in her big school uniform and she was a little nervous. On the plus side I least the children and teachers didn't have to deal with a whole host of blubbering mothers!

I'll be on the look-out for more 'Drive thru your Life' examples! Haven't seen a Drive Thru cinema, but wait, I think that may be called a 'Drive In'?


  1. how absolutely interesting to hear your perspective on the land of convenience! It's interesting because I actually don't miss that stuff, as my new convenience is called Kushal - my driver!

    There ARE drive in movies!!! We loved them ... although, have you seen a RedBox yet? Literally, a red box where you can punch in the movie you want, and the vending machine pops it out? All for just a $1/day!

  2. Ah ha! Is that what that red box in Harris Twitter is...I've seen one, I just haven't had a chance to investigate. Makes sense because you have to park and WALK at Blockbuster...unless of course I just didn't see the Drive Thru entrance!!

  3. It's so true... you can drive in to just about anywhere... though sadly, it's why Americans are so overweight! We don't walk anywhere if we don't have to. Land of the free, home of the convenience!

    And I"m now laughing at myself because I didn't even read Naomi's comment until just now and I see that she said the same thing. :)

    Hope all is well in NC!!

  4. Emma, once again loved reading about the US through your eyes. We are a nation of excess and laziness!Unfortunately drive in theaters aren't very common anymore, but that is probably because people would have to walk to far to get their extra large super butter popcorn and their jumbo soda:)

  5. From Jo a friend from 'home' currently in New Jersey...

    Have just read your recent one about the drive thru and wanted to share this with you. We went for a walk at our local nature reserve and saw a drive thru telephone box!! You pull up to the booth and t...he phone is at window height. Absolutely amazing - who needs a 'cell' phone!!!!Read more

  6. I love that you all went for a walk but everyone else was 'driving thru'!

  7. Aaww - I find it a little sad that you couldn't take Ellie into school on her first day! I remember the funny looks we got when we walked from the train station from NYC to our friends house in Westfield - we were the ONLY people walking!

  8. Much to my surprise, I've actually become a fan of drive-thru's!
