Tuesday 17 November 2009

How Would You Like Your 'Bangs'?

How indeed? I hear you ask.

Well, I'm talking about hair...what were you thinking about?

Luke was in desperate need of a haircut, being mistaken for a girl once was one time too many for Ian so reluctantly I took him to a hairdressers for a trim.

Hairdresser: " How do you want his Bangs?"
Me: "His what?"
Hairdresser: "His Bangs". Lifting up his fringe
Me: "Say that again...his what?"
Hairdresser: "His Bangs"
Me: "Never heard that one before...I'd call that his fringe"
Hairdresser: "His what?"
Me: "Fringe....the bit that covers your forehead"
Hairdresser: "We call it a Bangs, never heard of a fringe"
Me: "So we do all learn something new every day! Trim it.

Maybe I just got off the boat, maybe if I were a hairdresser, maybe, maybe...whatever, but I have never ever heard of a fringe called a bangs before! http://beauty.about.com/od/hairstylephotogalleries/ss/photosbangs.htm


  1. I've never heard it called anything else EXCEPT for bangs. How funny!


  2. We (Kiwis) say fringe maybe its a British thing?
