Thursday, 4 March 2010

What's In The Name?

As in the name of this Blog?

Several people have queried and asked this question of late, and so, just to clear up any misunderstanding...

We, as a family were moving to India. I decided to write a blog. I had to think of a name. I had been to India before. I knew it was going to be tough. I thought we'd be living in some precarious situations and I wasn't wrong. Dire Straits came to mind, which transposed into In-dia Straits.

Cut to the present day. World economics played their part and not long after we settled down we were uprooted to the USA, and because I was seriously lacking in any creativity or humour at that stage in our head spinning worldwide flit, In-dia Straits became In-dia States, ie Where we'd been and where we've now come to.

It isn't and nor did I ever intend it to be a derogatory name, simply INDIA to the STATES. Hope that answers questions, dots i's, crosses t's and...wraps it up!

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